Sunday, July 21, 2013

Summer creates the perfect conditions for homecoming

Summer creates the perfect conditions for bad workplace fashion decisions: clueless young people entering the workplace for the first time during the hottest months of the year.The result is often flip-flops and too much skin for And guys who look rumpled and poorly put together."The sloppy-little-boy look may be a turn-on for the college girls but not in the workplace," said Callista Gould, who founded the Culture and Manners Institute in Des Moines, Iowa. Among other things, she helps universities create career services for their students that address workplace dress codes and other civilized topics.
"Iron your shirt; shine your shoes. People notice the details," she said. "And if you can wear it at the beach, you can't wear it at work."'Karen Ciurca-Weiner, buyer and manager of the Jones & Jones boutique in, suggests that office attire be "conservative with a flair.""Throw in a small trend here and there, but not knowing what the office atmosphere is, it's better to err on the conservative side rather than being fashion-forward," she said. "And make sure the clothes fit properly. Many people buy inexpensive clothes that don't fit and then they're constantly pulling at their skirt or fixing a bra strap. So make sure they're tailored properly."
Workplace dress codes have drifted toward casual, and that can leave the uninitiated wondering where the boundaries are."When I worked in New York," said Gould, "a young woman showed up for an interview for a public relations job in a halter top. I wanted to tell her that in order for her to be the face of our company, she needed"That's the other difficulty: How do you tell interns or new hires that they are bringing the wrong kind of attention to themselves without ending up in hot water yourself?

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